________________________________________________________________ RFK on Confidence
I shall forever remember the ethic and the integrity of young Robert Kennedy...
posted by wrangler steve at
Saturday, November 25, 2006>0 comments
a review of america
________________________________________________________________ I once read every single word of every issue but I am younger than that now....
posted by wrangler steve at
Saturday, November 25, 2006>0 comments
big and blue, just for you
________________________________________________________________ i want to rush out to the art store right now and buy tubes of blue and sticks of color...
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 23, 2006>0 comments
________________________________________________________________ Linda Ronstadt & Hoyt Axton
Hoyt had the great sound of truth lived in human experience and no one needs to speak a word in behalf of the glorious voice and the sinfully angelic image of the young Linda Rondstadt...isn't that right?
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 23, 2006>0 comments
________________________________________________________________ Motrocycle Cowboy
hag and his harley momma are my fav video of all time for today anyway...
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 23, 2006>0 comments
________________________________________________________________ Buck Owens - 1966 - Love's Gonna Live Here Again
i shall never forget my father taking me to see Buck Owens at the Louisiana Hayride. He and Don had those gold flaked fenders and sounded red hot and country fine...I was about fifteen years old then. I miss my dad today so very much.
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 23, 2006>0 comments
________________________________________________________________ Rodney Crowell
go johnny go
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 23, 2006>0 comments
books, books, books...
The sheer joy of books makes any day brighter and better don't you agree? I have so many books on my reading table right now...and more I want to rush out and buy...but right now I want to rise and go to STARBUCKS with my fingers crossed hoping against hope they have today's SUNDAY NEW YORK TIMES with its very best feature THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW included...ahhh that is heaven indeed for the bookman or bookwoman it is almost as good as the very book itself...
(book of the past worth reading today THE LAKE OF DEAD LANGUAGES by scholar novelist Carol Goodman --especially delectable for those of us who had a taste of Latin in our high school or college education)....
I begin my new pharmacy tech job in ROgers tomorrow so come on over and say hello if you can...sgunter says so...
posted by wrangler steve at
Sunday, November 19, 2006>0 comments
A Well of Wisdom
If I had known this then I had forgotten it however it is refreshing to discover a well of wisdom in the recorded interviews at the premier intellectual radio source BBC Four.
Iris Murdoch speaks of the manner in which philosophical ideas underlie the characters and the story of her magnificent novels (Have you not read THE SEA, THE SEA which I have read once as a teen ager and again last year as an outcast from the youth culture in the country of the aged boomer generation).
I believe Mr Andy Warhol was either quite stoned or near death when the BBC managed to capture his spoken comments and thoughts on the process of painting portraits and other details of his life work. He seemed so profoundly bored with being ANDY WARHOL.
Come and visit us at our new workplace ROGERS walmart Pharmacy when we are fully transferred which looks to be next Monday. Yours truly--sgunter...
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 16, 2006>0 comments
The most wonderful day of all...
Yesterday I had the most wonderful day of all...because I spent the entire day working with my friends and mentors at the pharmacy store number one Rogers, Arkansas. Rosa helped me learn many things about input...gary and richard were our excellent pharmacists...linda and rachel and irving and amy made up the team "in the box"...The day sped by and I enjoyed it so very much.
posted by wrangler steve at
Tuesday, November 14, 2006>0 comments
my homework ala the hombre
Copyright 2000 RXinsider LTD Pharmacy Jobs • CE • R.Ph. Salary Data • & More!
Have you had prescriptions here before? ¿Ha tenido recetas aquí antes? (ah teh-nee-doh reh-seh-tahs ah-kee ahn-tehs) What is your name? ¿Cuál es su nombre? (kwahl ehs soo nohm-breh) What is your address? ¿Cuál es su dirección? (kwahl ehs soo dee-rehk-see-ohn) What is your date of birth? ¿Cuál es su fecha de nacimiento? (kwahl ehs soo feh-chah deh nah-see-mee-ehn-toh) Are you allergic to any medicine? ¿Es usted alérgico a algunas medicinas? (ehs oo-stehd ah-lehr-hee-koh ah ahl-goon-ahs meh-dee-see-nahs) Do you have insurance? ¿Tiene usted seguro? (tee-eh-neh oo-stehd seh-goo-roh) Do you want to wait? ¿Quiere usted esperar? (kee-eh-reh oo-stehd ehs-peh-rahr) Could you step in the end of the line please? ¿Podría usted hacer la cola de la línea por favor? (Poh-dree-ah oo-stehd ah-sehr lah koh-lah deh lah leen-yah pohr fah-bohr) Do you have any questions? ¿Tiene usted algunas preguntas? (tee-eh-neh oo-stehd ahl-goo-nahs preh-goon-tahs) Do you need counseling on your medicine? ¿Necesita usted aconsejando en su medicina? (neh-seh-see-tah oo-stehd ah-kohn-seh-hahn-doh ehn soo meh-dee-see-nah) Could you sign here please? ¿Podría firmar aquí por favor? (poh-dree-ah feer-mahr ah-kee pohr fah-bohr) I do not understand. Yo no comprendo. (yoh noh kohm-prehn-doh) You need a prescription. Necesita usted una receta. (neh-seh-see-tah oo-stehd oo-nah reh-seh-tah) The prescription is ready. La receta está lista. (lah reh-seh-tah ehs-tah lee-stah) I have to call your doctor. Yo tengo que llamar su doctor. (yoh tehn-goh keh yah-mahr soo dohk-tohr) I have to order the product. Yo tengo que pedir el producto. (yoh tehn-goh keh peh-deer ehl proh-dook-toh)
Copyright 2000 RXinsider LTD
posted by wrangler steve at
Sunday, November 12, 2006>0 comments
see it sideways
Fletcher shall reign as the great guru of design...that word means masterful teacher...a man from India told me so as he paid for his children's medicine...You are a guru he said and have more value than the doctor...I considered for a moment how utterly unamericanized this otherwise fine gentleman truly is...
posted by wrangler steve at
Sunday, November 12, 2006>0 comments
been busy
Learning pharmacy spanish is a good thing...spanish retail yo?
posted by wrangler steve at
Friday, November 10, 2006>0 comments
tan don't burn
But sometimes, how ever much natural colour you have, it is never enough. Deaon Garwandoe, 34, is black and uses sunbeds once a week. She started after all her hair fell out due to alopecia.
"I didn't go out for six months when my hair fell out," she says. "I just wanted to do something that made me feel better. I wouldn't spray tan, it's not deep-rooted enough, it's just like make up which defeats the object for what I want. I know if you go mad it's not good for your skin, but I don't abuse it.
"Pale people look like they need something extra in their lives. They look grey, pasty and ill. You don't really want to be around them."
'I was stupid'
According to a study conducted by Cancer Research UK, using a sunbed can double the risk of skin cancer. An estimated 70,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with it every year. Of these 2,000 die and about 100 of those deaths are thought to be the result of sunbeds and tanning lamps.
SKIN CANCER FACTS Most common in over-65s Second most common cancer in people aged 15 to 34 More common in women than men Source: Cancer Research UK
Although more women contract skin cancer, more men die of it because they wait longer before seeing a doctor.
posted by wrangler steve at
Friday, November 03, 2006>0 comments
Clinicial Case
You ever read the medical journals for fun? Here is a typical feature from the prestigious NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE wherein the young interns are presented the patient and their symptoms then asked by the master physicians to determine the disease. Here is the currrent case:
The Missing Piece A 21-year-old man presented to the emergency department after 2 days of increasing pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant. For the past month he had had exertional dyspnea with a cough productive of scanty yellow sputum.
Ugh--I mean is there anything more of a turn off that a bad case of scanty yellow sputum? No, there isn't. Thank you New England Journal...I think...
posted by wrangler steve at
Thursday, November 02, 2006>0 comments